In April I got a job working for Porter Pickups, a local electric guitar pickup builder located in Boise. There, I build the base components of the pickups and do miscellaneous work. While I was really excited to get the job, it meant doing something I hadn't done in years, learning a new skill. After a few weeks I got the hang of it but at first I really struggled to remember each step of the building process. I take my work at Porter very seriously because I'm building something that a customer is going to put into their guitar and I want them to absolutely LOVE it! I asked my boss question after question to ensure what I was doing was both perfect in execution and quality. I asked "why" and "how" a lot.
Fast forward to November. I was given a promotion at my church. Along with my raise came a new title, "Video Producer." I feel I should stress the fact that I've never done video in my life. I quietly accepted my new position while feeling slightly overwhelmed.
Up to this point I had one responsibility at the church and it was one I was more than familiar with, more than capable of executing with excellence; play guitar, sing and lead a band. Easy. But video? I've never done video. Here goes nothing.
Just like at Porter, I asked a lot of questions. I watched, I listened, I copied and learned. And you know what? It got easier; but not until I was able to admit that I couldn't do it by my own knowledge. Just like with my home and at Porter Pickups, I was humbled in the presence of someone who knew better than I did.
The Bible holds humility in the highest regard. Numerous verses from different books speak of the act of humility being the essential first step toward being lifted up by The Lord. But the verse that really stuck out to me and really encompassed 2013 for me was Philippians 2:3-11.
"Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men."
I could go on and on with examples explaining why this particular passage means so much to me but instead I'll end with this. When we humble ourselves before others it communicates our respect and appreciation for everything they are, their knowledge, their importance, value, etc. Value the knowledge of others. Humble yourself, ask questions and learn.
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